As the Public Mourns Orlando Shooting, Anti-gun Startups are on High Alert

A look at a handful of startups that have been serving communities and families of victims who have experienced mass shootings firsthand.

On an early Sunday morning at the Pulse Nightclub in Fort Pierce, Florida, 29-year old Omar Mateen opened fire on members inside killing 49 and injuring 53 of the LGBT community. Mateen was in a shootout with law enforcement before he was able to be taken into custody. As the country mourns its biggest mass shooting in US history, theLGBT community, policy makers and anti-gun violence startups are on the frontlines reflecting on these recent events. There are a handful of startups that have been serving communities and families of victims who have experienced mass shootings firsthand.

Everytown for Gun Safety was launched by Michael Bloomberg,the former New York mayor and the billionaire media mogul, to challenge the NRA’s dominance in the gun debate and to give opponents a platform. It is an American movement collaborating to stop gun violence and create safer environments. The organization currently works with more 3 million mayors, parents, law-enforcement officers, academic instructors, survivors, gun owners and other advocates passionate about producing a brighter future for our children. Everytown For Gun Safety has also developed Mayors Against Illegal Guns; a country-wide coalition consisting of more than 1,000 present and ex-mayors passionate about keeping guns out of the hands of those who use them irresponsibly.  Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America is another grassroots organization, many of its council are mothers who either lost their loved ones to gun violence and will do anything in their power to prevent its occurrence. This faction works with local chapters to spread awareness and push for effective gun policies.

The Trace is an independent NPO media platform committed to accurately inform the American public on gun and gun violence issues. Bloomberg’s organization has provided seed money for The Trace, which runs as a separate, editorially independent nonprofit from the New Yorker other organizations.  Not only do they feel that the average 91 gun-related deaths per day is beyond unacceptable but are equally disappointed with the lack of coverage and acknowledgment from mainstream media. Their mission is to address these issues through frequent reporting, examinations, and clarifications on policies, politics, culture and business of the country’s gun industry. Led by editorial director James Burnett, their core values are accuracy, fairness, empathy and doggedness. Opposition to The Trace has been strong: When Capital first reported last year on the startup, critics had a field day. The NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action described the news site as a “propaganda outfit,” part of a “disinformation campaign,” and evidence of “Bloomberg’s ego-driven zeal to control” Americans’ rights.

The national organization, Generation Progress works with the youth encouraging progressive resolutions to major political and social problems. Their staff and network associates help position young progressives to have their initiatives placed in front of policy makers. They utilize a mixture of conventional and modern advocate strategies to have young people’s ideas be the key inspiration in today’s social issues. They have formed a collective of online, communal and university programs to bring their vision into reality. The Voices Network instructs young leaders how to effectively manage and publicize written works that are focused on social progress. They collaborate with activist entities such as the Center for American Progress to develop a long-term vision for their country and effectively respond to key issues in America.

Despite the urge for gun violence solutions, the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action believes that much of these efforts will only excessively control and weaken the rights of American people. Criticizing anti-gun advocate, Michael Bloomberg, opponents say that media sources such as Everytown falsely depict the reality he wants to project. The NRA is committed to assure that pro-gun advocates get the recognition they deserve and opposing views stop misinforming the public on issues that matter most.

What do you think about the recent shooting in Florida? Who or what is to blame? Send us your solutions. Your opinions are valuable to us and please send your condolences to Florida.

Please join the LGBT community in speaking up against violence across the country. Look for the hashtag#ThePrideMustGoOn

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