Head Of Digital Agency WME Departs To Focus On Sports App Overtime

Dan Porter, digital agencyDaniel Porter, who has led the digital team at William Morris Endeavor Entertainment (WME) for the past three years, will leave the agency at the end of November to focus on OVERTIME, a sports application that Porter launched in 2015, has confirmed WME to RPRNmag newsmagazine.
Porter joined the digital agency three years ago as part of a drive into digital. During his time at the creative company the digital leader has been responsible for some of the agency’s most recognizable work, including launching over-the-top service Made 2 Measure and creating their ELeague e-sports league.

The management team at WME remains the same despite Porter’s departure, with Chris Jacquemin overseeing digital talent and content and Beth Ferreria remaining in her position at WME Ventures, the fund responsible for formalizing the agency’s investment campaigns. Prior to joining WME, the digital entrepreneur has the role of CEO of mobile gaming giant OMGPOP which he then sold to Zynga in 2012. The sports news app that Porter has left to focus on, Overtime, has WME as its principal investor.

Overtime: social network for the sports fanatics

overtime sports appOvertime is best described as ‘powered by video technology,’ an app that allows users to film highlights of any sporting game, adding slow-motion where needed and build their unique feed of content, putting ‘the power of sports media in the hands of the people.’ The main focus of the sports app is to create 10-second GIFS and video clips and categorize these into feeds based on their topics; examples include #fails and #usopen. Users are also able to discuss a particular sporting topic or event via the app as Overtime also contains a catalog of thousands of pre-made GIFs and videos that can be added into comments. In a bid to stand out from other social networks Overtime doesn’t take into account follower numbers but instead works on a voting algorithm where other users can vote the posts up or down. Posts will be viewable to users based on the feeds that they follow.

After being launched just a year ago, the sports app is still in its infancy. However, its founder Porter has big plans for the start-up. “I want to cover every sport and every team in the world, from a Pakistani men’s field hockey team to a girls’ volleyball team in Utah,” says Porter. “We are trying to build the biggest sports platform in the world.”

Porter isn’t the only creative mind behind the video based app; Ben Weisman is in charge of design, Ferose Bebu and Dave Segal head up the development team, Ali Nicolas is responsible for product and marketing and the last member of the team is Zack Weiner takes the role of Editor-in-Chief and running business development.

Overtime’s website reports that most of the team have worked together previously at OMGPOP. It is expected that as the app’s popularity increases there will be partnerships with sporting brands, leagues, and teams to enable these organizations to engage with fans and promote content to their target audiences.

Porter’s final day at WME will be November 30th 2016.

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