Suffering from Public Speaking Phobia? There’s an App for That.

A Chapman University research reports in a survey that fear of public speaking is America’s biggest phobia – 25.3 percent say they fear speaking in front of a crowd, to be followed by fear of clowns (7.6 percent feared), and  zombies are scarier (8.9 percent). So in the new not-so-brave world of tech solutions, it was only a matter of times until an add developer tackled fear. A new iPhone app called Ummo promises to train you to improve your public speaking skills, and after all isn’t the fear of ridicule that frightens us so much? Ummo position itself as a personal speech coach.It is a recording device app that detects irksome speech patterns that often creeps up when doing a presentation or speech.

Ummo tracks and identify filler words such as”Umms” and “Uhhs”, “like,” “you know,” your pace, analyze your word power, clarity, and verbal tics.

Divison Zero X40 by Das KeyboardThe ability to review the transcript on your iPhone screen of your practice session analyze your speech as you talk is useful.  The app allows you want to track any particular word or phrases, just add them in the settings tab under words to avoid.   Ummo can then provide you with speech data and give you insights in length, originality of your text, the richness of vocabulary and words that reused too often, tone, pitch and volume of your voice while delivery your talk. The graph-ready data is easy to read and to comprehend.   The app aims to identify your mistakes, learn from them, practice your speech until you have eliminated them.  Confidence is a big step toward eliminating the fear of public speaking.

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Ummo,a Boston-based startup plans to expand into wearable tech and to integrate with devices such as the Apple watch. The company states on its website “Imagine a clip-on mic or necklace that seamlessly and continuously analyzes your speech over the course of an entire day, providing real-time feedback via your Apple Watch, buzzing your wrist each time you say a filler word or showing you data you care about on your watch display.”

It costs $2 and is available only on iOS at the moment.

We love hearing back from you. Let us know if you tried out UMMO and what kind of experience you had with the app.

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