Imagine building a home in six hours that is eco-friendly, secure and lovely designed. The Italians have done it. It’s Tiny Home built at its best.
Furniture Fair in Milan 2017
MADI Home, an Italian Home builder unveiled its design during the Furniture Fair in Milan 2017, where a little village dedicated to architecture and urban living has been placed in Parco Sempione. The exhibit is showcasing the best of modern life and highlighting the benefits of tiny homes, especially at a time of increased natural disasters, and diminishing habitable land.
Could be the Solution Home in Case of Natural Disasters, Refugee Camps, Summer Home or even a Village for Sporting Events
The foldable homes are built to be temporary housing in cases of natural disaster, as a refugee camp, sporting events or summer homes, and when you no longer need them, fold and store it for the next time. And between hurricanes, floods and raging forest fires destroying entire towns, it would be smart to investigate pleasantly livable temporary housing to help those dislodged.

Since the MADI Building isn’t built on a foundation and is meant to be temporarily placed on level ground, they do not consume any soils. If anchoring is necessary, it is secured by an innovative system screw pile foundations. This new anchoring system has no impacts on soil, and it is recoverable at 100%. When the building is no longer used, it is folded it and moved to a new location, or store it in a warehouse ready for the next use. The addition of solar panels can make M.A.DI. Structures energetically independent. This construction is completely removable, recoverable and reusable and “is in perfect harmony with the environment,” according to the company spokesperson.
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