Fox News Refuses to Air Ad that Shows How the Trumps Benefit from the Tax Bill – View It Here

FOX News is once again refusing to air a Liberal group’s new ad that opposes the Republican tax plan and shows how the Trump family stands to benefit from the tax bill, by using an impersonator of President Donald Trump driving a golf cart, reported Politico yesterday.

The 30-second spot titled “Billions” is part of a six-figure media buy from the Not One Penny campaign, whose mission statement is “We’re on Capitol Hill for a People Fillibuster to stop tax cuts for billionaires,” is blatantly working against the proposal, and wants to air on FOX News, including on Fox & Friends, the morning show Trump frequently watches as well as his supporters. But Fox has declined for the second time this month to run a Democrat-leaning spot.

The ad features a Trump impersonator who uncannily looks like Trump tweeting at a golf country club while a voice-over announces, “A president who tells it like it is. That’s what America needs. But when it’s time for Trump to explain why his tax plan gives a big cut to the wealthy, including lucrative breaks for golf course owners and cuts for rich heirs — all worth more than a billion dollars for Trump and his family — why is this president suddenly at a loss for words?”

Earlier this month, the Fox Network declined to run billionaire activist Tom Steyer spot calling for Trump’s impeachment.

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