In a retaliatory move against the U.S. Intelligence officials’ allegations that Russia attempted to influence last year’s U.S. presidential election in favor of Donald Trump, the Russian government under the leadership of President Vladimir Putin, signed into law on Saturday restrictive measures allowing authorities to list foreign media outlets as “foreign agents”, according to state-run news agency Sputnik news.
These measures appear to be linked to the fallout from the U.S. intelligence officials accusations that the Kremlin used Russian media organizations to flood social media platforms with ads to influence the elections, and under great pressure, Washington now requires Russian state broadcaster RT to register a U.S.-based affiliate company as a “foreign agent.”
The Kremlin has repeatedly denied any involvement and interference in the U.S. election and has called the restrictions on Russian broadcasters in the United States as an attack on free speech and unjust.
“Americans have a right to know who is acting in the United States to influence the U.S. government or public on behalf of foreign principals,” Acting Assistant Attorney General for National Security Dana J. Boente said in a statement at the time.
On the other hand, Trump has persevered in siding with Russia and against the U.S. Intelligence officials on the topic of Russia interference with the U.S. elections and has taken to Twitter to attack once again the U.S. media and what seems to be another attempt to undermine its news coverage:
“We should have a contest as to which of the Networks, plus CNN and not including Fox, is the most dishonest, corrupt and distorted in its political coverage of your favorite President (me),” Trump tweeted. “They are all bad. Winner to receive the FAKE NEWS TROPHY!”
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