SpaceX Launched ‘Zuma’ Rocket as U.S. Lead Space Travel for First Time in 12 Years

SpaceX Premiere Rocket Successfully Lift Offs for New Year

SpaceX launched a shuttle, Zuma, on January 7th at 8 PM EST from its alternative station in Cape Canaveral, Florida. Harnessing the power of Falcon 9, this modern skywalker departed from its SLC-40 launch facility for reasons unknown. However, we do know the mission was successful. Its debut launch for 2018 was said to arrive in earth’s lower orbit and accurately recovered the first stage booster after disconnecting from the craft’s second stage. SpaceX plans to launch the Falcon Heavy Rocket model later this month at its primary station in Cape Canaveral.

Global Space Travel 2017

For the first time in 12 years, the United States held the most number of orbital launches equaling 29 successful departures in total. This is 9 more than Russia and 10 more than China thanks to SpaceX who launched 18 of America’s spacecrafts. Russia and China had difficulties both experiencing functional breakdowns of their vehicles last year. Smaller operations in places such as Bangladesh Ghana, and Mongolia also had successful launches with assistance from SpaceX.

Above & Beyond For SpaceX & Others

China seems to be America’s biggest opponent in the race for space exploration. China plans to have 40 launches take place in 2018 superceding SpaceX’s expected 25-30 missions. The company wants to increase their launches by 50% with Sunday’s spectacle being the first of many more to come. SpaceX intends to debut their round trips around the moon in 2019 or later and are currently perfecting their designs of the Big Falcon Spaceship.

Sir Richard Branson also has Virgin Galactic Spacelines who invested in Elon Musk’s other company, Hyperloop 1 earlier last October. Branson intends to simplify space travel my making it more accessible via tourist-styled adventures of the solar system. Virgin claims to have nearly 700 people from 50 different countries ranging from 10-90+ in age already reserved for these future flights. Branson told CNBC in October of 2017 that:

I would be very disappointed if I haven’t been into space within six months or so…we could develop a space launch system capable of launching satellites and science into space, and fund it without government money using space tourism, this was really exciting stuff.

As we close the gap between science fiction and reality, SpaceX stakes its claim in discovering new opportunities in new worlds. With the launching of Zuma, they are now preparing for their departure of the Falcon Heavy Rocket which hopefully will be another successful turnout. Virgin Galactic is also creating much more convenient space travel for us earthlings so children who dream of growing up to be an astronaut now have their chance.

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