Top 3 Crowdfunding Campaigns for March 2018

Three Crowdfunding Extraordinaires: 'The Brain Spa,' Innovative Ear Plugs & Smartphone Nanosensors.

Here’s the Roundup of Crowdfunding Campaigns for This Month

Below are our top choices of crowdfunding campaigns. We focus on 3 main platforms: Kickstarter, IndieGogo and Crowdcube. To gain a solid understanding on crowdfunding and its corresponding providers, check out this article here.

Kickstarter’s Campaign: the CO Project is a ‘Brain Spa’ for Creative Thinkers

Located on a 150 year old farm and mill in Portrugal, Leyla Acaroglu, is crowdfunding to transform the facility into the first ever brain spa. It’s based on the idea that creative people need a space for their cognitive performance to be massaged and recharged. Acaroglu believes that this historic piece of the region centered in the tranquility of nature is a perfect candidate for creative rejuvenation.

They plan to renovate the entire space with sustainable eco-friendly solutions such as windmill conversions and solar-powered car charging stations. In addition, the project wants an on-site geodome conservatory for star gazing. Acaroglu will also use the farm for her UnSchool of Disruptive Design programs focused on systems thinking, sustainability and ‘design to change makers’ from across the globe. It will be a great place for fellow creators to host retreats and possibly collaborate with other like-minded thinkers. So far, they have raised $6,292 of their $50,000 goal with 35 days to go.

IndieGogo’s Crowfunding for a Better Night Rest: QuietOn Sleep

Okay, so we could all use a more sound sleeping experience and the key to doing so is less interference from the outside world. Finland-based QuietOn Ltd. is crowdfunding for a revolutionary pair of earbuds with noise-cancellation technology designed to block out even the lowest of audio frequencies. Its ultra soft cushion comfortably immerses the entire ear and users could switch between hearing and sleeping mode with a simple tap of the device. It also has a battery life that could last 20 hours once fully charged.

Who would’ve thought? Crowdfunding for a device that allows you to sleep in the same room as a snoring partner. In fact, QuietOn stated that 25% of Americans are impacted by snoring regularly and over 50% are disturbed by it on an occasional basis. They believe that this technology can very well save marriages or at least improve the dynamic of many relationships. It is also perfect for travelers and businessmen that normally undergo long commutes on public transportation. Their crowdfunding campaign has already raised $292,303 of its original $50,000 goal with 2 months remaining.  You can grab one for $149 for being an early backer which is 37% off retail due to be shipped in October of this year.

CrowdCube’s ‘Nanusens’ Set to Disrupt Smartphone Industry

What many people don’t know is that smartphones contain nanosensors, called MEMS, that measure factors such as air quality and movement of devices. It is these sensors that in theory, make each manufacturer’s model of smartphones different from their competitors. However, it is a daunting task that can take 5-7 years to evolve into a new manufacturing process with even more robust capabilities. Nanusens, a Spain-based startup, designed a new simplified process used in the semiconductor industry known as CMOS that can cut turn-around time to 1-2 years. This will greatly reduce expenses and boost overall performance of next-gen smartphones.

Nanusens has received support from China and has government loans already approved for the endeavor. They will be granting investors 4.76% equity that they’ve divided into two holder types: Nominee with a minimum investment of $14 and Direct with a minimum contribution of $224,691. They’ve already attained $157,686 of their $561,568 goal with 21 days left in their crowdfunding campaign.

Crowdfunding Continues to Bring Ideas to Fruition

It’s hard to even wrap your mind around how seemingly difficult it was to fund your startup before the days of crowdfunding. It has opened up doors to an immense landscape of opportunities for entrepreneurs and forward-thinkers from around the world. Personally, the Nanusens campaign presents the most lucrative investment in an industry that constantly demands sophisticated manufacturing processes. However, the brain spa is appealing to the creative crowd such as myself and I can’t help but to imagine how noiseless QuietOn Sleep really is in a world where silence is often the best medicine.

Which campaign is most attractive to you? Thinking about starting your own crowdfunding project? Check out this article on crowdfunding your B2B and another piece on how to successfully prepare for a crowdfunding campaign.

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