Top 3 Crowdfunding Campaigns for April 2018: EverCam, FidoTV, Sweat Cosmetics

The Scope Weekly makes its monthly selection of crowdfunding campaigns in Kickstarter, Indiegogo and Startengine.

We always enjoy highlighting the most notable crowdfunding campaigns, but this time it’s a little different. We’ve removed crowdfunding platform, Crowdcube, from the list and replaced it with StartEngine. Launched in 2014, Hollywood-based StartEngine is an equity-based crowdfunding platform that is attempting to enable people from all walks of life to invest. Over 95% of StartEngine investors are non-accredited, and many of their members are first-time investors. For this month, the final selection is Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and StartEngine. If you want to see the crowdfunding list from March with Crowdcube included, check it out here.

StartEngine: FidoTV

This crowdfunding campaign is for dog lovers across the nation and aims to launch a TV network focused solely on dog-related content. FidoTV’s media will syndicate with relevant cable, satellite, broadcast and digital outlets in hopes of extending its outreach and increasing its value. They have already entered streaming agreements with Amazon Prime and RokuTV. Educational, entertaining and informative video content will be available for over 150 million American dog owners and give each an opportunity to own a new TV platform. Starting at $5 per share of Series A preferred stocks, those with a passion for pooches can have a stake in something nearest their hearts at an affordable cost. They require a minimum of $250 to claim a stake. StartEngine Shareholders could also receive a 10% bonus by investing in FidoTV. Their crowdfunding campaign has raised $21,700 of their $1 million goal with 69 days remaining. This project has given StartEngine $1302 so far, and the crowdfunding platform would receive $60,000 if FidoTV reaches its goal.


Indiegogo: Sweat Cosmetics

LA-based Sweat Cosmetics was created by female athletes for female athletes. Five professional women athletes, known as the Sweat Team, are crowdfunding makeup and cosmetology products that work well with an active lifestyle. The type of makeup that can sustain an hour in a half basketball game without smearing or excessive sweating. Through countless hours of research and development, Sweat Cosmetics has created formulas and products built to last intense fitness routines. In clinical observations, over 80% of women said their product remained intact after one-hour workouts. Their products are all natural, hypoallergenic and void of hazardous ingredients. Their crowdfunding campaign will end in 47 days and has raised $52,037 of their max goal: $800,000. They are a Series B Preferred Stock at $.42 per share with a pre-money valuation of $6,000,000. Investors must contribute a minimum of $100 to earn equity.

Kickstarter: EverCam

This Seattle-based company, Evercam, is attempting to simplify security systems to protect more households and businesses. Only 3 out of 10 households have a security system due to confusing installation, high monthly costs, continual false alarms and short battery life. So they created the first ever wireless system with battery technology that can last 365 days before having to recharge and three years in standby mode. Its sophisticated facial recognition technology reduces false alarms by 95%. Users can also view their recorded footage on their mobile device either live or from the local storage. Viewing the footage is protected with AES 128-bit encryption that can only be done when their microSD card is in the base associated with its registered and corresponding account. The ASA composite material makes it weatherproof, and the internal mic+speaker allows direct communication through your smartphone. It’s also significantly less expensive at about $320 annually. They’ve already exceeded their crowdfunding goal, but there is still 50 days left in the campaign and will ship in September of this year.

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