Internet security provider DigiCert Illustrates Top Tech Scams

21 online scams you may not know about or are the most vulnerable to fall victim.

Business and individual alike are increasingly concerned with the security of online personal data. The impact is not only felt financially but also on an emotional and mental level, with scammers attacking career sites such as LinkedIn, financial institutions, cryptocurrency and dating sites.

While the technology and science behind all areas of digital technology are evolving, crime is following along and often the first one to adopt the technology. Rapidly-changing technology forces scammers to change their tactics regularly.

While it may be difficult to protect the public against scammer attacks, as the adage goes, knowledge is power and armed with the scammer tactics consumers may be able to better protect themselves. DigiCert infographic identifies 21 online scams that you may need to pay attention and avoid.

Fraudulent Money Transfers  One of the earliest crimes to emerge was that of fraudulent money transfers via mobile phone in the 1980s. Since then, scams have become more sophisticated.

Social Money Flipping  Recent social media criticisms have been based on personal data, but this Ponzi-style scam from earlier in the decade took up to $100-500 per victim

Swipe Right for Scam  Even the relatively modern invention of the dating app has been subject to cyber-attacks, with phishing ‘verification’ requests robbing people by tricking them into paying a subscription to another site.

Technician Spoofing – Online trickery has been targeting people less internet-savvy people by posing as Microsoft or Apple employees and then installing viruses on their computers.

Many of these scams target people in their leisure time when they’re more likely to be caught off-guard:

This is especially true of dating-site scams, where people are arguably more vulnerable, putting their hearts on the line and placing trust in strangers. The after-effects can be both financially and emotionally devastating, with one woman losing nearly $200,000 to a man she thought would be a new love.

Cryptocurrency is set to be the new frontier of crime, with one of the first major heists taking place in 2009. With the value of Bitcoin soaring and a chronic lack of regulation, the next attack is likely just around the corner and will have a much greater impact on people’s financial situation across the globe.

Gamers are particularly at risk of online crime, with an untold number of victims having had millions stolen from them over the years. Scams targeting gamers range from a password, and sensitive data theft to PayPal accounts being hacked and used to make multiple payments. One of the most prevalent and high-profile recent schemes is the fake Pokemon Go update, taking £12.99 from each of its many victims.


The infographic breaks down each scam, indicating the year the technology was developed, the date of the cornerstone scams, as well as detailing the financial gain and method of each scam. Analysing the tactics of previous crimes is a sure-fire way to remain alert and discerning in a world where constant vigilance is required online.

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