Hupu bird films to Complete the ‘DREAM TRILOGY’

DREAM ONE wins the coveted best short award at the Washington DC South Asian Film Festival

CROWDFUNDING and PRE-PRODUCTION UNDERWAY: Hupu bird films Announces Plans to Complete the ‘DREAM TRILOGY’

Executive Producers, Ashok Yadav and Bobby Pin are seeking additional funds to complete the ‘DREAM TRILOGY’ after a nabbing the best short award for ‘DREAM ONE’ at the Washington DC South Asian Film Festival. The short was direct

ed by Mayaram (Varun Sihag). When asked about winning the award, Sihag said,  “My goal wasn’t to collect awards but to introduce to the world that living is dreaming and dreaming is living. Once you stop dreaming you stop living.”

Hupu Bird Films and Bobby Pin Productions teams up with Director and  Writer Mayaram (Varun Sihag) again to complete the trilogy that started a year ago with ‘DREAM ONE’ starring Bollywood Actor Manjot Singh, recently winning the best short award at the Washington DC South Asian Film Festival 2019.

Director and Writer Varun Sihag of Mayaram Films worked as the script supervisor for the Academy Award-nominated movie ‘Mohen Jo Daro’ and now focuses on directing. Hupu Bird Films was launched by Director Ashok Yadav in 2016 following his successful directorial debut ‘Kerry on Kutton’.  Bobby Pin, the founder of Bobby Pin Productions, started as a production assistant on independent movies in the bay area and now producing award-winning films outside the U.S.

Currently, the film team is in pre-production in Mumbai, India and is seeking support and additional funding through crowdfunding and other private donors and investors. The production company hopes to raise $20K by the end of November.

Production dates are scheduled to start mid-November and in talks with several well-known Bollywood Actors have been considered for the next two installments. Upcoming locations under consideration include Shimla and Goa.

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