Homeschooling Pioneer Releases Survival Guide for Parents

Author and homeschooling pioneer releases her guide to help parents unfamiliar with homeschooling during the stay-at-home state order

Elizabeth Kanna, a homeschooling pioneer, author, advisor to technology and multinational education companies, and former school board president of California’s first virtual school, has launched The Homeschool Survival Guide For Parents Who Never Wanted to Homeschool. The guide has been released just in time to help out the millions of parents with children requiring homeschooling under stay-at-home requirements to battle the pandemic.

With 55 million children in the U.S. expected to continue their studies at home, and no clear answer on whether or not schools will be reopening in the fall, parents are desperately searching for advice and support on homeschooling.

Following multiple contacts by parents overwhelmed by the lack of guidance with the proper method and process of homeschooling, Kanna decided to take action and to put together a homeschooling guide. Along with two other veteran homeschooling parents and educators; she created an essential resource that is packed with decades of proven, battle-tested, and practical knowledge including:

  • How to develop a realistic plan
  • Turn your home into a fun and easy learning environment
  • Avoiding “learning loss”
  • Balancing working from home and homeschooling
  • A day in the life of homeschooling
  • How to avoid the “witching hour”
  • Homeschooling special needs children
  • Keeping teens motivated
  • Discovering a child’s hidden talents

And more

Purchase of the Guide includes access to a private VIP Facebook Group for ongoing support and advice.

The Survival Guide helps parents develop a homeschooling plan that works, how to turn their home into a learning juggle in 4 easy steps, keeping children engaged, the best homeschooling and work plan for the family, child engaged,

“No matter what a child’s school provides for learning at home—parents will be able to enhance their learning and build a roadmap for today, tomorrow and for however long they will homeschool their children with the Survival Guide,” said Kanna.

Kanna didn’t homeschool her three grown daughters during a global pandemic, but she knows first-hand how overwhelming homeschooling can be for parents, especially juggling working from home while homeschooling.

Kanna’s career accomplishments include homeschooling, distance learning, and authoring Homeschooling For Success and the first book ever written for parents on virtual schooling: Virtual Schooling. 

But, Kanna believes the most important measure of her experience in homeschooling is her daughters. Today, two are software engineers, and one is a biology major transferring to UC Davis in Fall 2020 to study marine biology and coastal science.

The Homeschooling Survival Guide for Parents Who Never Wanted to Homeschool is available at

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