Resilient Leadership Pioneer Releases Meditation Card Sets for Stress Relief

李磊瑜伽 / Pixabay
Clement Decrop, a meditation maverick, brings an easy path to a peaceful mind to market.

People seeking stress relief, anxiety management, and mindfulness now have two comprehensive and visually captivating card sets to aid their self-improvement journey: 100 Mindful Prompts and 100 Daily Meditations. Developed by Clément Decrop, author and Resilient Leadership pioneer for thousands of people in over 40 countries, these card sets are designed to promote mental fortitude, emotional awareness, and overall well-being. Decrop told The Scope Weekly, “I couldn’t find a deck that met my standards for scientifically-backed mindfulness, so I created my own with the help of experts in the field. These card sets provide practical tools to manage stress and cultivate a resilient mindset based on a scientific approach to consciousness. “

What are the 100 Mindful Prompts and 100 Daily Meditations card sets?

100 Mindful Prompts is a double-sided card deck containing 50 cards featuring motivational quotes, challenges, and reflection questions based on diverse categories such as Mindfulness, Life, Emotions, Stoicism, Zen, and Idea Space. The deck encourages users to explore their thoughts, emotions, and experiences in a diverse, mindful way.

These card sets provide practical tools to manage stress and cultivate a resilient mindset based on a scientific approach to consciousness.

100 Daily Meditations is a mindfulness exercise deck containing 100 cards designed to help build a personal mindfulness practice. The deck includes categories like Breathing Techniques, Mindfulness Basics, Mindful Living, Metta/Loving Kindness, Stoicism, Zen, and Idea Space. These cards are perfect for both beginners and experienced practitioners.

How does the card set work?

100 Mindful Prompts is expertly designed to integrate into your daily routine easily. Every morning, read the dayside and push yourself to perform the challenge. At night, use the reflection as a form of meditation before bed. 

100 Daily Meditations can be used in any order depending on the user’s experience level and preference, offering exercises and meditations for day or night. 

How do these card sets differ from other similar products on the market?

These card sets stand out because they are double the value at the same price. Their eye-catching design makes them perfect as a home or office decoration, and their slender size allows easy transport. The diverse categories in both decks provide a comprehensive mindfulness experience beyond oracle decks and positive affirmation cards. Decrop states, “These card sets are unique in that they are not just about positive thinking, but also grounded in a scientific understanding of the mind and its relationship to the body. They provide practical tools for developing emotional awareness, cultivating a resilient mindset, and promoting overall well-being.”

The suggested retail price is $17.99 for 100 Mindful Prompts and $19.99 for 100 Daily Meditations.

But who is Clément Decrop? Inventor and author, Belgium-born (1995) Clément Decrop moved to the U.S. at three with his family. With a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Penn State, Decrop worked across the globe, including France, Spain, United Emirates, and then back home in the United States. 

Decrop’s recently released book, The Idea Space: The Science of Awakening Your Non-Self, delves into the depths of consciousness by introducing a distinctive solution to Einstein’s field equation to describe the mind, accessible to the layperson. In this literary journey, Decrop guides readers to view their thoughts objectively and identify their impact, helping them discover a happier existence and a deeper understanding of their life’s purpose.

As a Resilient Leadership adapter pioneer since 2018, Clement has shared his wisdom on meditation, sleep, exercise, and nutrition with thousands of eager participants in over 40 countries. His innovative spirit led him to collaborate with numerous inventors from Wikipedia’s Most Prolific Inventors List, resulting in 130+ patent disclosures within one year, 50+ filed, and 15+ issued.

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What’s next for Decrop?

Decrop is set to release in October 2023 a guide to self-actualization in a book format: The Idea Space: The Science of Awakening Your Non-Self (Book). We are a way for the cosmos to know itself; the cosmos is a way for us to know ourselves.

The Idea Space makes consciousness as real as gravity. Decrop told The Scope Weekly, “I hope to lead the layperson on a captivating scientific and mathematical exploration of consciousness that will revolutionize your understanding of the mind.”

The infinite space of our mind mirrors the endless vastness of the universe, and lessons gleaned from one can illuminate the other. Delving into The Idea Space lifts the veils of illusion that keep us from understanding our true selves. Decrop inspires those seeking the hidden truths of our world to uncover a genuine, sincere, and harmonious purpose in life. The beauty of these truths is that they are concealed in plain sight. All you have to do is look

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