Publish your newsworthy press release at The Scope Weekly and gain exposure. For the low fee of $40, The Scope Weekly will publish your release in its newsmagazine newsroom under a Press Release category and one industry. Your release will appear on Google News, Bing News, and Apple News. At this moment, The Scope Weekly does not distribute to other news networks but does offer public relations services with its parent company. Inquire with the AH Marketing Group if you’re interested in running a public relations campaign. Please purchase your press release publishing for the low fee of $40 here:
How to proceed
- NO GAMBLING, FINANCIAL PREDICTIONS, ADULT CONTENT. The business must be already operational. The crowdfunding campaign must also be live. We are not publishing a pre-launch announcement.
- Pay Now using the PayPal button above.
- Once you have made the payment, email your press release to Anne @ scopeweekly . com and include a spellchecked word document, one JPEG.
- It must be a Word document with no embedded images. Calibri 11 is the recommended font. We do not accept PDF files.
- Must be AP Style and grammatically perfect
- We allow two hyperlinks and no redirect.